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Automatic suspension for Hulk and Sapunaru

Hulk and Sapunaru, FC Porto players , are pending suspended till the outcome of disciplinary proceedings brought by League Disciplinary Committee, following the incidents after the game with Benfica.

To be noted that in this connection, the modification of players preventive suspension, provides that suspension doesn't have a deadline to end.
That is, while Disciplinary Committee hasn't decided, Hulk and Sapunuru are suspended from all competitions.

So, Hulk and Sapunaru were automatically prevently suspended, pending the process conclusion.

Benfica will also respond to disciplinary proceedings, for the stewards conduct, after the meeting's end, in the showers access area.

FC Porto still pay a 950 euros fine, in the classic aftermath, due his fans inappropriate behavior.

Benfica, in turn, pay a fine of 3500 euros.
The 'eagles' were punished for attempted assault and acts of intimidation against sports agents (1,500 euros) and inappropriate behavior in public (2,000 euros, due to recurrence).

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