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World Cup 2018/12: Spain criticizes Portugal's lack of commitment

Spain's Minister of Sports, Jaime Lissavetzky, came today to ask for more commitment to Portugal, by the joint organization of the World Cup 2018.
"I don't see Portugal very excited," lamented the political, speaking to Spanish newspaper As. "Apparently, people in football are more interested than the politicians", saidyet Lissavetzky.

The Spanish criticisms come after, yesterday, Portuguese Secretary of State for Sport, Laurentino Dias, stated that the Portuguese State "is not prepared to make new investments."

Laurentino said then, that the Government's support to the application of the Iberian World Cup 2018 or 2022, is limited to the stages of Lisbon (Alvalade and Luz) and Porto (Dragon).

Portugal and Spain are joint candidates for the organization of the world Cup 2018 or 2022, with competition from Belgium / Netherlands, England, Russia, United States, Australia, Indonesia, Japan.
To the organization of the proof of 2022 will apply also Qatar and South Korea.
The decision on the winning countries to the two world Cups 2018/2022 home, will be known in December this year.

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