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V. Guimarães wins Sp. Braga 2-1 and remains 2nd

The Vitoria Guimaraes won the northern derby against Sporting Braga.
2-1 was the final score in a game marked by controversial plays and aggressions.

The Braga (third consecutive defeat) went ahead with a goal from Alan (18'), but the extreme would be expelled before the break, and Vimaranenses (third triumph followed) without performing a great show, walked around the marker by Maranhão (44') and with an own goal from Miguel Garcia (83').

The first 20 minutes were steady, but with more of Sporting Braga, such as a "shot" of Lima (17') after good care of Luis Aguiar, the ball also hit the side netting.

The next minute, Sporting Braga took advantage on the marker.
Following a free-kick by Luis Aguiar, Alan, who was in an offside position, missed the header, but took advantage of the confusion created in the Victorian small area, to push the ball into the net's end.
In the celebrations, an assistant coach of Sporting Braga, Joao Carlos, was hit in the head by an object (the referee gave a phone to the game's delegate) and had to be assisted, forcing the game to stop for a few minutes.

The team led by Domingos Paciencia controlled the one of Manuel Machado with Salino highlighted in the midfield, but the V. Guimaraes on 44th minute came to a draw by a shot from Maranhão, with the left foot, in a move that Felipe is not exonerated.

The Braga returned to threaten the Victorian goal but Nilson defended well a "poisonous" free-kick by Luis Aguiar (45 +2), and still before the break Alan, was expelled by João Ferreira considered that he assaulted Joao Alves.

The Guimaraes didn't come very impressive the resumption, allowing the Sporting Braga to "breathe" without great difficulty.

Shortly afterwards, Domingos took the earlier man of the team, Lima, reinforcing the midline with Madrid, while Manuel Machado was risking everything: within 13 minutes put Rui Miguel, Targino and Toscano.

In the last 20 minutes, the Victoria began to exert more pressure, especially by his right side and could have scored on the 72 minutes, but Edgar, after the right defender's good center, headed over.

The goal of the Victorian triumph came in the 83rd minute with an own goal by Miguel Garcia in an hapless bid, by attempting to send to the corner a center of Alex from the right.

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