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Hulk and Sapunaru were provoked and reacted with aggression.

Hulk and Sapunaru were provoked and reacted with aggression.
These are two of the main assertions of the note of guilt, sent by the instructor of tunnel's of Light process.

The statement of guilt, released today by the Journal 'Record', it establishes the attacks of Hulk and Sapunaru the steward Sandro Correia and the aggression of Romanian player to steward Ricardo Silva.

According to the report, the athletes incur a penalty ranging from six months to three years of suspension (and a fine from 2500 to 7500 euros each). FC Porto will now have to defend.

Also important the "provocative behavior" to players and other elements of Porto's party, described the document.
"The stewards acted freely, knowingly and willfully (...) with intent to cause verbally and physically, players and remaining staff of FC Porto," it can be read.

Benfica is therefore charged with "failing to ensure the order and discipline within the tunnel," considered as a "mild disciplinary offense" punishable by a fine from 250 to 2500 euros.

Everything has begun with a discussion between Fernando Oliveira- in charged by FC Porto safety-, and one of the stewards present.

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