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Portugal-Cameroon: closing the stage

It's only missing to put the final point in the stage of Covilhã. The selection has already bade farewell of the townspeople, the group has already made the ultimate workout. All in a party mood.
It will certainly be in the same environment that the group of Queiroz wants to close the preparation's first period for the World Cup.
After the draw with Cape Verde, everyone will ask for a victory.

"From now on we'll always accelerate sheath". It was with this phrase that Carlos Queiroz has opened the training cycle after the void with Cape Verde.
The dropper arrival of the players disrupted the start of work... After the match all the constraints were related to physical problems.

Pepe and Tiago were the figures this week, having overcome the physical barriers that appeared them on the road.
Carlos Queiroz confirmed at the press conference to previewing the meeting, that they will be no option against Cameroon. But both held the ticket to South Africa.

The stadium will be full, it is expected. The hope against Cape Verde was similar and didn't materialized, but this time it is to believe that the city of Covilhã exhausts its sports infrastructure.

The opponent's level also rose. As Danny said this week, is a rival more like the Ivory Coast. And everyone knows that we'll need to show more and better, to give joy to the Portuguese fans at this late stage.
And even precisely because these games serve to refine strategies and to gain rapport, rhythm and cohesion to be at their best in the world championship.

Is that anything other than a victory, although in practice means nothing, it will still to be a shadow hanging over the group.
Getting to South Africa without victories in the decisive phase of preparation may weigh on the players: complicating the goal and prevent to dream. But there's 90 minutes to thwart this fate.
Starting at 19.30(GMT) this Tuesday.

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